First Step of Suzuki Method
1. Listen to the CD
*Purchase from the official site. (Alfred is an official publisher of
Suzuki Books & CDs outside Japan)
*If you are purchasing from iTune Shop, ( not for a mobile phone)
Search under "suzuki cello school" Performed by Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi is an official and
updated version.
*Purchase Suzuki Cello Repertoire Book
(CD comes with it if you have CD player at home)
If you don't have CD player, pease select the book without CD.
Book Depository or Contact Suzuki Office
2. Attend Suzuki activities
Enrol in Suzuki NSW Association Festivals and Conferences
3. Attend Cello Group Lesson
Find out the group lesson information
4. Make Suzuki Friends by;
coming to group lessons, camp and concerts!
Also come a little early for your private lesson, and stay back a little
to observe a lesson of a student before and after you.
Some of
Dr Suzuki Quotes;
'A tone has a living soul'
'Beautiful tone, beautiful heart'
'A man is a son of his environment'
'Potential of every child is unlimited'
'Do not hurry, do not rest, do not give up'
'Any child will grow, depends on how you nurture him'
'A tone has a living soul that lives without a visible form'
'Any child can be developed, depending on his parent; depending on his teacher; depending on himself'
At a public concert, Dr Suzuki had the children repeat above phrase "Any child can be developed..." after him.
After "depending on himself', he would ask children "Are you sure?" Then the children would say "Yes, we are!"
Information about 'Graduation'
Please click Takao's Talk page above about the meaning of Suzuki Graduation. Here, you will only find a procedure about Graduation.
Please note - submission due date, concert date and venue may change from year to year
Note: The graduates need to be current Suzuki financial members. (contact Suzuki NSW office here)
The procedure of the graduation for each level
- Your teacher will tell you when you are ready to record. (You don't initiate the process)
- Make the graduation recording with a teacher (not on your own unless you are told to do so). When you record, you need to play from memory and with Suzuki accompaniment CD (not a live accompaniment except for the last three levels)
- Submit the recording through a teacher
- Pay Graduation fee through a teacher (Membership payment should be made directly to Suzuki NSW office)
- Perform at the Graduation Concert in October/November (Audience will need to purchase tickets through Sydney Opera House or any other venues where the Graduation Concert takes place. The Graduates' performance fee is included in the Graduation fee)
- You will receive your certificate through your teacher (Certificate fee is included in the Graduation fee)
Level 1 (Book 1) Minuet No. 2 by J.S. Bach
Level 2 (Book 2) Witches' Dance by N. Paganini
Level 3 (Book 3) Minuet in G by L. van Beethoven
Level 4 (Book 4) Sonata in C Major by J-B Bréval - Mvt. 1
Level 5 (Book 5) Sonata in E minor by A. Vivaldi - Mvts. 1 & 2
Level 6 (Book 6) The Swan by C. Saint-Saéns
Level 7 (Book 7) Gavotte in D by D. Popper
Level 8 (Book 8) Elégié by G. Fauré
Level 9 (Book 9) Cello Concerto in C Major by J. Haydn - Mvt. 1
Level 10 (Book 10) Cello Concerto in Bb Major by L. Boccherini, F. Grützmacher version- entire concerto
Level 11 (beyond Book 10) Cello Concerto in A minor by C. Saint-Saéns - entire concerto
Graduation Levels for Suzuki Cello
Bow hold & Left hand fingers
This bow hold is for the beginners

Advanced Bow hold

Cello Hold