Enrolment link below is active now
Sunday afternoon in Hornsby
(2pm to 4pm portion is compulsory for my studio students)
each person playing the cello on the day to register above
(student, adult student, parent playing cello)
Next: Sunday 22 September
Booking link →here
Hornsby venue carpark information will be sent with
the registration confirmation
All dates are correct at the time of publishing
**Please check for updates closer to the group lesson date**
Term 3 & School Holiday
Sep 22 (Sun 2pm -4pm)
Oct 12 (Sat 3.30pm -5.30pm)
$28.50 per player
Term 4
Annandale Arts Centre & Neighbourhood Town Hall, Johnston Street, Annandale
November 24th afternoon
Hours & fees will be advised here
All levels play-in
Afternoon Tea
(please bring non-nut food to share)
Group Lesson enrolment condition below
(Scroll down)
All levels
Pre-Twinklers to Post Repertoire Levels
All levels playing together in unison, and being there is a key element for the ability growth, and a wonderful experience for your child.
Takao's studio - compulsory twice a term participation
'The principle of ability growth by playing together' - Dr Suzuki
Remember Takao's parents' talk why your child should come
to the group?
Come join the group!
'Repeat what you know'
To build up a particular type of ability which Dr Suzuki talked about
Click the payment link below
after you read agree to the conditions here
1. You will stay with your child and observe the lesson in lieu with Suzuki Group lesson philosophy (email for special considerations)
2. You are responsible for your child/ren and your belongings throughout the event, and will not hold Suzuki Cello Institute or its employee, contract workers, associates, volunteers or the venue oranisation liable.
3. You pay set fee per student by electric transfer or cash on the day.
4. You will not bring nut product in consideration with nut allergy and anaphylaxis individuals in our studio
5. You give consent for us to take photo/video of you and your child/ren by Suzuki Cello Institute tutors and staff for promotional and educational purposes.
6. If you or your child becomes unwell or need to self-isolate and have to switch to ZOOM, you can request $10 refund through a written communication.
For everyone's wellness, stay home if you are unwell or showing symptoms of infectious disease (can request ZOOM link)
5. You give consent for us to take photo/video of you and your child/ren by Suzuki Cello Institute tutors and staff for promotional and educational purposes.
6. If you or your child becomes unwell or need to self-isolate and have to switch to ZOOM, you can request $10 refund through a written communication.
For everyone's wellness, stay home if you are unwell or showing symptoms of infectious disease (can request ZOOM link)
I have read and agree to above condition